E-clips(e) – A Once in 400 Yrs Blog.

lunar eclipse
lunar eclipse

Wow….I feel so lucky to have woken up an hour ago, by chance, to witness the eclipse. From the couch in my art studio, I can look out onto what must be the best view of it on the entire planet. Framed by the Three Sisters and a billion clear winter-night stars, the moon is bathed in a warm orange glow high above the velvety black night in the Canadian Rockies.

Lucky twice…my Dad and Mom, who arrived to visit from Ontario yesterday, also just “happened” to wake up and join me for a few minutes in the quite dark of the winter to witness. The night seems extra quiet and the stars seem extra bright.

Lucky thrice….It’s a fitting close to a wonderful five and a half years at The Banff Centre in Aboriginal Leadership. In the morning, I’ll rise to spend my last day there in the office, before retiring and returning full time to the studio.

Lucky, lucky and lucky me.

Full Time Artist
Full Time Human Being
All Under The Sun & The Moon

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