Meeting My Art Elders – A Visit With Norman Yates At The Whyte Museum

Landscape #232 ©2009 Norman Yates. Acrylic on canvas. 136.5 x 224 cm
Landscape #232 ©2009 Norman Yates. Acrylic on canvas. 136.5 x 224 cm

I’m excited – this afternoon, I am meeting for two hours with Canadian painter Norman Yates at the Whyte Museum where his exhibition, “The Space Between” has opened. I have such respect for those that have gone before me, and laid the groundwork for a rich painting history.

Norman has very graciously agreed to meet one-on-one with several artists in the Banff and Canmore area to discuss painting and mentor us in career development. Lucky for me, I’m one of them. I admire Norman for his articulation of the process of the painter, and for his lifelong journey and exploration in art. I’m feeling very blessed today to be sharing some time and thoughts with Norman. I have many questions for him.

Have a listen to Norman on his process and joy:

One of the most important aspects of being an artist is to be able to have deep dialogue with other artists and discover their process, talk about the meaning of the work and the joy of creating. I’ve been lucky to have this type of contact with some great Canadian artists including Glen Loates, Ken Danby and today – Norman Yates.

I’d encourage you to take every opportunity to connect with senior artists – those who have walked this path before. They are our Elders and we have much to learn from them.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Pat

    I am beyond jealous Janice- both about talking to Norman Yates AND going to be an artist in redidence at my most favorite place in the world.
    Pat Allin

    1. Janice Tanton

      Thanks for the note, Pat. I am looking forward to my residency and time there. Visiting with Norman was wonderful.

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