Almost a year after discovering I have breast cancer, I am so very pleased to announce I was welcomed with open arms by what I consider to be the most dynamic gallery representing Canadian artists anywhere in the nation.
A year ago, I was wondering if I would live to see the next Christmas with my gorgeous family, never mind creating new work. This year will mark their 40th Anniversary – a stunning achievement in the promotion and exhibition of such noted artists (and my heros/heroines) as Alex Janvier, Kenojuak, Bill Reid, Jane Ash Poitras and so many others.

For the past few months, I’ve been working slowly but surely through some very intense pain to create 7 new works specifically for Canada House Gallery in Banff – right here in our own backyard. What a beautiful fit.
I am honoured and inspired by the professionalism and encouragement of the staff, and the first three completed major pieces from my Haida Gwaii collection have been placed in their very capable hands.
My family and I would also like to thank Elizabeth Williams (RMT), Nathalie Trottier (Physio and Osteopath) and Sue at Rocky Mountain Rehab for the hours and hours of work and faith it’s taken to get me in shape enough literally, to lift a paintbrush. Special thanks also to my friends Jennifer Bain-Houck and Cori Brewster, who encouraged me never to let go.
Tomorrow morning, I head into surgery once again for a full second radical mastectomy. A step backwards for a step forwards. I know it will be another tough road, but for today, we celebrate!!!!!
Won’t you please join me and raise a virtual glass to life, Canada House Gallery and to celebrate some new beginnings with our family.

To see more new images, please visit the website:
Canada House Gallery
201 Bear Street
Banff, AB
T1L 1B5
Pingback: 2014 - My Year of "Gentle Making" | Janice Tanton :: Full Time Human Being
Pingback: Unplugged :: An Evening at the Paintbox Lodge with Janice Tanton and Julia Lynx | Janice Tanton :: Full Time Human Being
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