Working through this weekend at the easel, I’m getting further down the road in the relationship with the women in these paintings.
Spending this amount of time with them in such an intimate fashion, has been very profound. I feel as though I’m coming to know them more closely and am more connected to them. While there are still a few technical things that need to be completed, I feel that I’ve captured the spiritual essence that I set out to portray in my initial concept for the Series, “What’s In A Name”. It’s not always that I feel I am able to capture this, so when it happens, it’s a very special achievement in the creation of a body of work.

In over twenty years of painting, I’d say that I’ve only reached that spot three or four times, and I recognize there is some form of divine intervention, muse and spirit that guides my hand for which I am ever-thankful.
Stage One – What’s This Series All About?
Stage Two – Progression in the Paintings: (Gallery of Works In Progress)