Can You Smell Your Paintings?
"I must see new things and investigate them. I want to taste dark water and see crackling trees and wild winds." - Egon Schiele Edith Schiele - by Egon Schiele.…
"I must see new things and investigate them. I want to taste dark water and see crackling trees and wild winds." - Egon Schiele Edith Schiele - by Egon Schiele.…
Timelapse of a 9 hour period of painting by Janice Tanton.
My purpose in getting out of doors to paint is always to learn. I find that being in the place, dialling in the shapes, colour and quick light one of the best things that a painter can do to learn about the world around them.
In Oki Niksokowa – All My Relations, I have worked for over a year, preparing paintings for Canada House Gallery that are very, very personal to me. They may also represent some pretty common themes for Canadians. The works represent relationships that I have with just some of the beings, things and places that have touched my life.
Here are a few more tips for loosening up in the studio. Dance that painting out of the brush with this playlist. You're sure to put some boogie in your work.
This is the way that I feel when my own children leave and go off at school in the morning. I miss them. When they went back to school after the Christmas break, I cried when they boarded the bus. I imagine it as only a very small and bitter taste of what it might have been like for so many aboriginal parents when their children were taken away to residential school. I'm so grateful that at the end of the day, my children come home to me.
Yesterday, a very cool email came out from The Writer's Store with a newsletter tip on how Jerry Seinfeld worked his craft. He had a very simple system to mark off X's on a 365 day, one-pager calendar. The mantra is... "Don't Break The String". Thinking about that simple system yesterday pushed me back to the easel. Instead of fiddle-farting away at admin work in the office, I thought...heck, I need to get my red X on that sheet. Without that reminder, I'm not sure that I would have gotten off the computer and into the paints, but I did!
For years, one of the things that kept me back from painting with oils, was an allergy to them. The solution that I found was in M.Graham oils. Based with walnut oils, this did the trick for me! The medium is wonderful, silky smooth and the pigment quality is excellent.