Spring Painting in Kananaskis – Moose Mountain
What a lovely day to begin spring plain air painting. Here was my setup this afternoon in Kananaskis.
What a lovely day to begin spring plain air painting. Here was my setup this afternoon in Kananaskis.
For Immediate Release - Gibson Fine Art in Calgary Alberta signs Canadian Artist Janice Tanton.
How a canoe is traditionally built reflects the form human so perfectly as well. There is a bone structure to it - a rigidity but yet flexible structure that underpins the function and provides form. The skin - a canvas in many cases for the older canoes or actual skins of trees or animals with earlier indigenous canoes, the vessel itself becomes this humanistic art form for me.
Effective Thursday, January 26th Janice Tanton terminated her representation at Elevation Gallery, Canmore, AB and will be self-representing in the Bow Valley area of Banff, Canmore and Lake Louise. If you are a collector located in the Bow Valley, please contact us directly for any requests regarding artworks by connecting with us through this site or at JaniceTanton.ca We thank Elevation Gallery for it's past representation. New exhibition arrangements for the CAMP project will be forthcoming. Please subscribe to this blog for updates on this exciting work.
YOU are the only one who can answer what success means for you. I'd challenge you to think about that and design your own yearly success measurement...and then celebrate the heck out of it! There are some pretty stupid measurements some artists use to measure their success. I offer up my metric system...
Solstice 2011 - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME!! One year in the studio! One year ago, December 21st, 2010 marked the end of my work in an office and a return to the studio after a 10 year hiatus from full time studio work. (INSERT MANY LARGE CHEERS, SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS, CHAMPAGNE AND THE LIKE....HERE...and yes......you can send me gifts of money.) One year later, do I have any regrets? Hell no...except maybe for what's on my Hell List. Metaphorically, moving out of the dark and into the light with the change of seasons has made a huge difference to our family. There is a right time to make the move to studio work, and that time is always....NOW! Quit making excuses and BE an artist! Get out of that job, away from that oppressing boss of yours and get your fanny in gear.
I've been fighting some debilitating pain in my neck, shoulder and painting arm for quite some time. Over the past year, physic, massage and finally surgery just a few weeks back seem to have all been the voodoo I needed to take a step in the right direction. I'll be honest. It's been really frustrating not to be able to paint my heart and soul out as quickly as I would like to, and it has been worrisome building up to the surgery. Ten years ago, I had a small cyst on the back of my neck removed. Wouldn't you know it - I'm in that rare 1-2% of "yep...it can grow back". Ten years later, this nasty thing decided to make a return appearance but in a larger form, and it has been causing a lot of health issues. We have all been a bit worried about how it would go...doing everything to make it as easy as possible and hope for the best after surgery. There's been a lot of men around this house pretending they are Arnold..."It's just a too-mah!"
Here are a few questions to ponder. How did you come to live where you are? Think back.....wayyyyyy back.......
I'm often asked interesting questions by students and collectors. The questions range from, "Do you have a magic brush?" to.... "Are you married?" The answer to the first is, "No, not really..." and the answer to the second is, "Yes, most definitely!" While I don't possess a magic brush, or even a special group of visiting elves that do my work for me while I sleep (I wish!), I do have some favourite brands of brushes that seem to work well for me.