The Artist’s Window -Creating Onsite vs.The Studio.

There is a big difference in working on site, with all of the sensory input of the moment. Sound, light, colour, smells...they all ADD to the moment of rapture when creating the work, and for me as an artist, there is nothing quite like that pure energy of creating the "feeling" of what you have in that one moment and place.

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Gwaii Haanas – The Need for a New Line at Lyell

Visiting this place was a great inspiration for me. I would say it was one of the most stirring and inspiring moments of my visit, and I am grateful that the Haida Nation, these Elders and members stood so firmly to protect this place. We should do the same now, as the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project by Enbridge threatens once again, this magnificent culture and ecosystem. Stand up and speak out about the effects that this pipeline will have on habitat, culture and the ecology of our planet. Write your MP and the official opposition. Make yourself heard...and be part of the new "Line".

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Black Out…Speak Out – June 4th, 2012!

June 4th, not a momentous day for someone very special in my life. It's Grace's 8th birthday today, and I'm sorry that I'm not there with her but instead - thinking about her future and the future of my grandchildren and their grandchildren by examining what we have to lose in the battle between government, big oil and the human beings and creatures that inhabit this earth.

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A Study in Contrasts

Nothing quite so exciting than starting your trip by getting this close to a bear. I had a great day on the road, experiencing every form of weather from snow to sunshine. In one day, I spotted two black bears, a huge male elk, bighorn sheep, deer, loons, bald eagles. It's made me realize once again, how privileged I am to live in this part of the world, and that so much is right in my own backyard.

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