I view the practice of painting and the practice of being an artist, a ‘work in progress’. In fact, I suppose that being a human being is all about ‘work in progress’. It’s a verb. It’s a noun.

I often share my ‘work in progress‘ through social media – and a lot of the time, it’s sole purpose is to be a record for me to be able to refer back to the development of a painting or drawing. However, I’ve noticed the comments that folks put forward – “Oh, I like it just like this.”…..”Please don’t do anything more to it – it’s finished now.” …..”STOP! It’s beautiful now.”
Those comments are sometimes tempting to listen to and for me to stop the painting. They’re also a good reminder of how we each see a work differently and according to our point of view as well as our life’s experience.
What I love about the practice of painting is that it’s amazing to me at any stage – that’s why I do it. Sure, there’s an idea – a concept and image in my mind for the work, but it’s never exactly what ends up on the linen. I know we all have ideas about what our lives should be like as well – but rarely do they turn out how we plan them. In my mind, nothing is ever finished.
It just ‘is’.
Work In Progress?
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