St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th, 2014 was a lucky day for Alberta – mostly for the Calgary-Varsity constituents who have Donna Kennedy-Glans, as their MLA. Donna has resigned her position as Assoc. Minister for Electricity and Renewable Energy and her membership in the PC Caucus. Here is her statement:
“It is with great regret but also great optimism and hope that I announce that I am resigning my position as Associate Minister for Electricity and Renewable Energy and my membership in the PC Caucus today.
I moved to Calgary 30 years ago and I’ve been blessed to live in this incredible province ever since. My husband and I raised three sons here, I was a senior manager in large oil and gas companies, and helped found a nonprofit that brings hope to women, girls, and youth in Alberta and around the world.
As a lawyer, I have long been fascinated with ethical behaviour in large organizations, including co-authoring a book on how companies can act with integrity. So when it came time to enter public life, I was excited about the opportunities this afforded to put my passions into practice in another critically important Alberta institution, the Alberta Progressive Conservative party.
I’ve always been an active supporter of the Progressive Conservative party as its core values represented my own desire for a balance between careful management of our finances with strong support for the next generation and social nets for our most at risk. In 2012, I was very happy to carry the PC party’s banner to win back Calgary Varsity. I was excited about the dream of government in Alberta we talked about in that election including:
· A government unafraid to make the difficult decisions that we need to make today to ensure long term prosperity for our children;
· A more transparent and more open government willing to hear all voices; and
· A government free of entitlement.
Since being elected, however, and particularly since joining Cabinet, I am increasingly convinced that elements of this 43-year old government are simply unable to make the changes needed to achieve that dream of a better Alberta.
So what happens now? I still believe in public service and in politics. I still believe in that dream. I’ll stay in my seat, sitting as an Independent, because, I believe, I can better serve my constituents this way.
It’s time to make politics in Alberta better.
Donna Kennedy-Glans
MLA, Calgary Varsity”
WOWSER! Now that’s leadership and a beautiful display of ethics in a politically charged poutine-mess! It’s a return to the idea of true democracy, and I believe that is something we should all celebrate with aplomb. Going against the current is never easy, but sometimes required. I sure wish I would hear something like this from every politician. I’ve not been much of a believer in the party system for some time, hoping that a true democratic system would someday emerge. Thank you, Donna….for standing up.
As artists, we are free to express ourselves in most countries in the world. Never take for granted, this ability to do so. It is integral to the well-being of our society. The next time you take up a brush, an instrument, a pen… be reminded of how you can cross over and step boldly into the fray. It’s not just a painting, a song….a book or story. It’s the way to be, it’s the foretelling of how it is…how the future could be. Show the world what you’ve got so everyone can benefit from your bravery, dear artist.
And Donna….thank you for being an artist.