I get bored easily. It’s a fact. I can’t paint the same thing in the same way and I was never cut out for office or factory work.
I’m an artist.
Any time that I spend a lengthy time working on tight, classic work…it’s too much for me. My creative muscles atrophy; my brain keeps me up all night and I feel like I’m trudging along, thermos and lunchpail, to my shift at the factory studio.
What do I do to beat those art boredom blues? I shake it up. I get loose. I work the muscles, and I make a complete change in the studio and intentfully work up some loose, spiritual and more abstract canvasses. I love this type of work, and I love the classical realism. Anything with paint interests me – I just can’t eat the same thing every day, no matter how good it is for me.

Can you?

These new works incorporate gold and silver leaf as well as some sculptural paste ground, with oil. In a few days when they’re air-dry, I think I might try a resin coating on them….or not.
These are awesome. But, then I have not seen your work when it is not awesome, really.
Oh, you are awesome unto yourself, Glenna! 😉 I guess there are degrees of awesomeness. I’ll count you as “tops” in my book.
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