“I am enjoying working with my left hand, it is very amusing and it’s even better than what I would do with the right. I think it was a good thing to have broken my arm, it made me make some progress…’
Auguste Renoir
Pages: 1 2
“I am enjoying working with my left hand, it is very amusing and it’s even better than what I would do with the right. I think it was a good thing to have broken my arm, it made me make some progress…’
Auguste Renoir
There is no good excuse to not pursue your passion, especially not fear or procrastination.
Very sorry to learn that you cope with chronic pain. My teenage soundtrack was entirely in the “folk/rock” tradition. Simon&Garfunkle et al. Rock music was intense and terrifying. Not sure drawing is a passion .. more of an expressive exploration. Imagine non-verbal imaging will forge some new neural pathways.
Bravo for keeping positive, moving forward, and risking left-hand painting. This article was very motivational.
Thank you Patricia. Pain of any kind is difficult to deal with. I try to power through…boy…it’s not easy but it can be done.💗