Horses were the first thing that I remember being obsessed with – drawing, seeing them in the fields and of course riding from a very young age. I’m happy to return to drawing what I love so much. I think that it’s so important to choose a subject matter which you are curious about, or that you love with all your heart. You will do better, try harder and learn more with every drawing that you attempt, and that is certainly how I feel about this new series.
Polo has also been a passion. I played when I was much younger – not well, but I loved everything about the game and the horses. Returning to it as an older person has not been easy, but I admire the players and horses so much that even hitting the ball around occasionally gives me such satisfaction. For years, I’ve been wondering about how I could portray the speed and elegant battle that polo is. I think that starting with this sketch series is a good place to study how I might think about painting and getting all of that energy within the canvas.
What are you most curious about when you choose a subject and begin new work?
Well done!
Thank you Kendall. Appreciate your comment very much. 🙂 Have a wonderful day.